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Noel Gallagher
Beady Eye
Liam Gallagher

Ballad of the mighty I

followed you down to the end of the world
to wait outside your window

the heat of the rain i would call your name
but you just pass me by

you put me up like a fly on the wall
you'll be to blame when the heavens fall

give me a sign that you hear me call
you just pass me by

the colours around me are fading away
and i'll be waiting, come what may

i'll find you (i'll find you), yes i'll find you (yes i'll find you)
if i gotta be the man who walks the earth alone

i followed the stars and i sailed to the sun
and held it in my fingers

alone on a beach, on my own out of reach
but you just passed me by

i'd give you the world if you take my hand
but you left me alone in the sinking sand

strike up the band for one last stand
and you just pass me by

show me the rules of the games you play
i'll be waiting, come what may

i'll find you (i'll find you), yes i'll find you (yes i'll find you)
if i gotta be the man who walks the earth
i'll find you (i'll find you), yes i'll find you (yes i'll find you)
if i gotta be the man who walks the earth alone

followed you now to the end of the world
and wait outside your window

the heat of the rain i call your name
and you just pass me by

wherever you are i'll be on your tail
whatever you're hiding behind your veil

i'll find you (i'll find you), yes i'll find you (yes i'll find you)
if i gotta be the man who walks the earth
i'll find you (i'll find you), yes i'll find you (yes i'll find you)
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