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Noel Gallagher
Beady Eye
Liam Gallagher

Greedy Soul

i'm going toe-to-toe
with a greedy soul
he's going down tonight
gonna be out a while
she got a six six six
i got my crucifix
she's got a spinning head
like seeing grateful dead

you're getting told
you greedy soul
you've been telling lies
you're slippery kind

and it's a long way down
when you're the wrong way round
and now it's all too much
i got the midas touch

they're digging me for gold
well if the truth be told
you got you kiss and tell
i hope you go to hell
i'm going rope-a-dope
you think i'm giving up
i got a rhino heart
don't give a fuck, alright?

you're getting told
you greedy soul
you've been telling lies
you're slippery kind

and it's a long way down
when you're the wrong way round
and that was all too much
i got the midas touch

and it's a long way down
i'm at the lost and found
and now it's all too much
i got the midas touch

and it's a long way down
when you're the wrong way round
and now it's all too much
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