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Noel Gallagher
Beady Eye
Liam Gallagher

While the song remains the same

hold that thought, don't let me go
we can dance beneath the fireflies on an empty road

it's a shame how a memory fades to grey
we let love get lost in anger, chasing yesterday

find me a place where the sun shines through the rain
find me the pleasure in the pain
while the song remains the same, let it go on and on and on

taking you back
to the town where i was born
'cause i'm tired of being a stranger and i'm miles from home

we can hide
by a lonely window pane
we can walk the streets of my life while they still remain

find me a place where the sun shines through the rain
find me the pleasure in the pain
while the song remains the same, let it go on and on and on

hold that thought, don't let me go
we can dance beneath the fireflies on an empty road erfasst Besucherdaten und wertet diese mit Matomo aus.
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